ExpressionEnglish/Expression 2019. 4. 2. 09:33
Comparative The more A, the more B : A를 하면할 수록 B한다. - The more you eat, the more you can it - The more you do your homework, the more I will give you feedback. As ~ : ~할꺼라고 가정을 한 상태 - As you eat less now, you will eat less tomorrw If ~ : 할지 안할지알 수 없음. (동사 뒤 less, more나오고 / 명사 앞에 less, more 이 나온다. more watter) - If you drink more coffe you will feel less tired. as A as B : B 만큼 A 한다 - I will give..
Daily EnglishEnglish/Expression 2019. 3. 24. 11:35
# hand-held : portable보단 작은 휴대용 - A smartphone is like a hand-held # it fits my needs : 나의 필요조건에 총족하다. - I choose one that fits my needs - Choose the schedule that best fits your needs : 너어게 가장 적합한 일정을 선택하다. # switch to ~ : ~로 변경하다 - I'm going to switch to rival brand recently # try something different : 다른 것을 시도하다. - I just wanted to try something different # image quality : 화질 # high resolutio..