
  • Daily conversation
    English/Toddler 2019. 7. 24. 09:54

    한국에서 평생 살았는데 이더위는 참을 수가 없다.


    I've been living my entire life in Korea.  
    but I just can't get used to this heat.



    많이 남았다. 많이 남지 안남았다.

    I have some time left

    There aren't any tickets left. // tickets 복수 사용

    There aren't any people left

    There weren't many people left there



    Aguest 13th, 2019 (Thuesday)


    어제 저녁먹으로 나갔어요.

    1주일에 한 번 정도 자주가는 고기집에 갔어요.

    24시간 영업하는 곳이라 주로 밤 늦게 사람이 없을때 가는걸 좋아해요

    그런데 이번에는 평소보다 조금 일찍 갔었어요. 사람이 조금 더 많을거달고 예상했는데

    생각 보다 훨씬 많았어요.



    I went out for dinner yesterday.

    I went to a barbecue place that I often go to around one a week.

    They are 24 hours so I usually like to go there late at night. when It is not crowded.

    But this time, I went a little earlier then usual.

    I was expecting to see more people.

    But it was much more crowded then I thought.



    I was expecting to ~ : 예상했다.



    Aguest 14th, 2019 (Wednesday)


    일기예보에서 오늘 비온데, 오후에 시작해서 하루종일

    아, 아쩐지 밖에 어둡더라.

    오늘 세차하려고 했는데 비오고 나면 해야겠다.


    The forecast says it`s going to rain today, starting in the afternoon

    throughout the rest of the day

    Oh, no wonder it`s so dark outside.

    I was going to get my car washed but I guess I should wait until after the rain.



    throughout the rest of the day : 종일

    no wonder : 어쩐지~

    I guess I should : ~하는게 좋겠다

    until after : ~ 할때까지


    Aguest 16th, 2019 (Friday)


    어제 스타벅스에 갔었어요. 밤 늦게 9시쯤에요.

    그런데 사람이 엄청 많았어요. 앉을 자리를 겨우 찾았어요.

    정말 놀라웠어요, 일요일 밤 시간에 그렇게 사람이 많을줄은 정말 몰랐어요.


    I went to Starbucks yesterday, quite late at night, around 9 o'clock

    and there were so many people. I barely found a seat for myself.

    It was quite surprising. I really didn't expect it to be so crowded on a Sunday night.



    I barely ~ : 겨우 ~ 했다.

    I didn't expect it to ~ : to ~ 하기를 기대하지 않았다, 몰랐다.



    Aguest 19th, 2019 (Monday)


    어제 오랜만에 친구를 만났어. 그런데 별로 한건 없어. 그냥 술 한잔하면서 몇시간 동안 이야기 했어


    I hung out with a friend yesterday. We hadn't seen each other in a while

    We didn't do much. We just went out for some drinks and talked for a couple of hours.


    We hadn't seen each other : 한동안 보지 못했다.

    in a while : 한동안

    for a while : 잠시동안


    Aguest 21th, 2019 (Wednesday)


    아까 친구한테 전화가 왔어 그런데 내가 뭘 좀 하고 있어서 전화를 못받았어

    저녁에 다시 전화 할려고


    Earlier today, I got a phone call from a friend.

    But I was in the middle of something so I couldn't answer it.

    I'm going to try to call him back later tonight.



    Earlier today : 아까

    Later tonight : 조금 후에

    I was in the middle of something : 뭐 좀 하고 있었어




    Aguest 22th, 2019 (Thursday)


    언제나 잠이 안올때는 그냥 일어나서 무엇이든 하는게 더 나아.

    When you are having a hard time falling asleep.

    It is better to just get up and do something.


    having a hard time ~ing : 어려움이 있을때, 잘안될때



    그냥 새거를 하나 사는게 더 나을수 있어.

    It might be better to just buy a new one.


    잘 모르겠으면 그냥 현금을 주는 것이 좋을것 같아

    If you're not sure. I think it would be better to just pay in cash.


    If you're not sure : 잘모르겠으면



    저는 빨래방을 가끔 이용해요. 제가 가는 곳은 24시간 하는곳인데요.

    거기는 모든 것이 자동화 되어 있어서 거기서 일을 하는 직원은 없고

    사장님만 가끔 들려서 문제가 없는지 체크하고 청소를 해요.

    그래서 저는 거기가 1년 내내 운영한다고 생각했는데 아니었어요

    며칠 전에 갔을때 여름 휴가로 닫았더라구요.


    I go to the laundromat  from time to time.

    The one I go to is a 24 hour place and everything there is automated.

    so they don't have any staff working there.

    just the owner comes by every once in a while to check up on things and clean up.

    So I was under the impression that they were open all year round 

    but I was wrong.

    When I went there a couple of days ago, They were closed for summer vacation.


    laundromat : 세탁방

    from time to time : 가끔씩

    it is 24 hour : 24시간 영업

    everything there is : 거기에있는 모든것들

    every once in a while : 가끔

    check up on things : 상태를 체크하다.

    check up on person : 사람의 상태를 체크하다

    I was under the impression : 나는 ~ 라고 생각했다.

    all year round, throughout the year : 1년 내낸




    September 4th, 2019 (Tuesday)


    오늘 이케아에 다녀왔어요.

    구체적으로 무엇을 살지를 미리 정하고 갔는데

    이케아에 가본사람은 알꺼에요. 정해놓은 물건만 사는게 얼마나 어려운지. 

    결국 계획에 없던걸 몇가지 사긴 했는데 그렇게 심각하게 하진 않았어요.


    I went to IKEA today.

    I had a specific list of things to buy

    But anyone who has been to IKEA knows how hard it is to stick to a shopping list.

    I did end up buying a few things that I wan't plainning to 

    But I didn't get too carried away.




    stick to : ~을 계속하다. 어려움이 있어도 계속하는 느낌 

    We need to skick to the original plan : 처음 세웠던 계획을 계속하다.

    get carried away : 지나치게 하다.







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