Drive and order Starbucks Christmas menuEnglish/Youtube script 2019. 4. 22. 09:51
Hi guys! it`s such a sunny day today.
right now, I'm on my way to Starbucs
Because I really want to try Starbuck`s holiday drinks!
I`ve tried peppermint mocha before.
and I actually like it.
I think minty chocolate and coffe tastes pretty good together
but today I really wanted to try the eggnog latte
and the chestnut praline latte? or drink
# chestnut : 밤
# praline : 설탕에 견과류를 넣어 졸여서 만든 것, 보통 초콜릿 안에 넣어 재료로 씀
# eggnog : 에그노그(맥주·포도주 등에 달걀과 우유를 섞은 술)
It's going to be a short drive because it's like 3 minutes away
but I wannted to film a drive with minutes.
Also this is like a Christmas themed video
It would not be a xmas drive with me without the xmas songs!
# jame out : (볼륨도 올리고, 고개도 끄덕거리면서) 즐겁게 열심히 듣다
so let's jame out to some xmas songs together
Oh yess. This is my favorite Christmas/w inter song
A classic.
It's really bright
Oh.. Do I know them?
No, I don't
We are at Starbuks now
kinda(kind of) have to volume down
ugh I hate ordering..
okay let`s go.
umm can I get a tall size eggnong latte
and one grande chestnut praline?
uhh he was not a good order taker
kinda had to scream my order out but that's ok!
I really wannt to listen to "Santa, Tell Me"
also.. this is way too bright.
now you can't see me
I hope the person at the drive through window
doesn't think that I'm crazy with my camera set up like this.
I don't really care.
This is really fun for me
my hair is crazy
I'm so excited for Christmas
# bratty : 건방진, 주제넘으니반항적인, 개구쟁이
I used to be a bratty kid and ask for things
like I made a wishlist and everything
But I realized that I'm more of a gift giver
I like giving gifts more than receiving
I mean figts are always nice especially if they're thoughtful gifts