Daily EnglishEnglish/Expression 2019. 3. 24. 11:35
# hand-held : portable보단 작은 휴대용
- A smartphone is like a hand-held
# it fits my needs : 나의 필요조건에 총족하다.
- I choose one that fits my needs
- Choose the schedule that best fits your needs : 너어게 가장 적합한 일정을 선택하다.
# switch to ~ : ~로 변경하다
- I'm going to switch to rival brand recently
# try something different : 다른 것을 시도하다.
- I just wanted to try something different
# image quality : 화질
# high resolution : 높은 해상도
# customer service : 고객 서비스
# It`s easy to get it fixed : 수리 받다
# I get it replaced : 교환 받다
# I get something refund : 환불 받다
# swell-up : 붓다n
- my eyes get swollen <스월럿> : 부엇다
# headquarter : 본사
# branch : 지사
# I itchy you : 간지럽히다
# It`s itchy
- scratch an itchy spot : 가려운곳을 긁다.
- I was bitten by a mosquito so now I'm itchy.
- My nose is itchy and runny.
- I am ticklish. : 간지로움을 잘타다n
- are you ticklish? : 간지로움을 잘타니?
- I am not ticklish : 간지로움을 잘타지 않아.
# runny <러니> : 콧물이 흐르는
# sneeze : 재체기, 재체기하다
# poke : 찌르다
- my hair poke my eyes
# what a relief<안도> : 다행이다
# It makes me look stupid :
# time consuming : 시간 소모가 크다
# I get my phone fixed : 핸드폰을 수리 받다.
# I get my phone replaced : 핸드폰을 교환 받다.
# I get my hair dyed
# I got my hair done today :
# I try to keep up with the schedule : 일정을 따를려고 노력한다.
- keep up with your work : 계속 열심히 너희 일을 해
- If you are going to keep up with your competition, we will need to know more about them
# I slep in : 늦잠 잤다.
- You don't know I sleep in on weekend?
# My daily rutin has been changed : 류틴이 바뀌었다.
# Two of you / Two of us : 너희 둘, 우리 둘
# habitually : 습관적으로
# beneficial : 이로운, 좋은n
- Chocolate can be beneficial as a skin treatment : 초콜릿은 피부 관리에 도움이 된다.
- I don't think the meeting would be beneficial : 회의가 도움이 될꺼라고 생각 하지 않습니다.
- My work experience would be very beneficial to your company : 나의 근무 경험은 너의 회사에 큰 도움이 될꺼라.
# get rid of ~ : ~을 없애다
# not only A but also B : A뿐만아니라 B
# We need air-conditional not only for the temperature, but also get rid of the humidity.
# I'm good at not only speaking Korean but also English
# He is famous not only in Korean but also in the world.
# A as well as B : B뿐만아니라 A도
# I'm good at speaking Korean as well as English.
# He is famous in the world as well as Korea.
# as long as : ~ 하기만 한다면
# disposable : 한번 쓰고 버리는 의미의 일회용의
- Paper cups and napkins are disposable : 종이와 컵은 일회용이다,
- People tend to use a lot of disposable products : 1회용품을 많이 쓰는 경향이 있다.
# single-use : 일회용의
- discard<파괴하다> single use products after first use : 1회용 제품은 최초 사용후 폐기 하십시오
# eye patch : 안대
- I wear warm eye patch
- warm patch for my eyes
# it's such a waste : 아깝다.
# I don't want to waste time : 시간을 낭비 하고 싶지 않아.
# We are on the 10 of the waiting list : 우리줄은 10번째야
# We are the tenth on the waiting list : 우리줄으 10번째야
# It has been almost 35years since the restaurant was open.
- It has been almost 10 years since I wore sleeveless shirts
# It`s relevant<렐러번트-연관된 a> to the size. 이것은 크기와 연관되었다.
# My job has something to do with computer : 내직업은 컴퓨터와 관련이 있다.
# it is not relevant to what you are saying. : 너가 말하고 있는거란 상관없어.
# It is related to [Something]
# in terms of grammar : ~면에서, ~관점에서
# in terms of grammar these two are the same : 문법적으로 같다
# When I'm in your shoes : 내가 너였으면, 내가 너의 상황이었으면
# If I were you
# in third person`s view : 제 3자 입장에서
# as a customer, 고객으로써
# from my perspective : 내관점에서~
# speak up a little bit? : 조금만 더 크게 말해주세요
# talk louder?
# security desk : 경비실
# security : 경비원
# apartment complex : 아파트 단지
# families with young children : 어린 자녀가 있는 가족
# many families with young children live there
# kid-friendly : 아동 친화적 = echo
# because it`s a kid-friendly.
- It't a kid-friendly place
# local park : 동네공원
# local restaurant : 동네 음식점
# local cafe : 동네 커피숍
# in all directions : 모든 방향에 있다
#I have neighbors in all directions.
# they are living next door to me : 그들은 내 옆집에 산다.
# people need to be considerate : 사람들은 배려해야된다.
# I just did it unconsciously : 무의식적으로 했다
# Have you ever taken any complaint from your neighbors?# compliment : 칭찬, complaint : 불평
# App crash happened again at 1AM
# My hands were sweating : 손에 땀이 났었다.
# My hands are sweating
# I don't mind, but She might mind : 나는 상관없지만 그녀는 상관있을수 있어.
# all the pieces fall<펄>/ fell<펠> into place : 조각이 맞춰지다
# it puzzled out
# Taxi drivers image is not good
# Taxi drivers perception is not good
# criminal record : 전과기록
# tricky : 상황이 답이 애매할때
# picky : 까다롭다
# tough : 어렵다
# tiny : 아주작은것
# thin : 얇다
# thick : 두껍다
# strong : 진한
# weak : 연한
# How do you like your coffee, strong or weak?
# I al ways try to drink coffee weak
# I'm rushing : 나 지금 바뻐
# when you are in a rush\, it can be tough to catch a taxi : 빠쁠때 택시 잡는건 어렵다.
# I will call for a taxi = I will catch a taxi
# It is widespread practice : 흔한일, 관행
# People use a messaging app to call for a taxi. Because Korean is so tech-savvy, this is now a widespread practice.
# it is just ritual : 관습이야
# nearby driver is dispatched : 가까이에 있는 택시기사가 파견되다
# taxis are few and far between. : 택시는 드물다(물리적으로)
# tech-savvy : 기술이뛰어난 / savvy : 지식
# The technology is so cutting-edge : cutting-edge : 최첨단의
# perk : 장점
# Another perk is that the driver already knows your destination.
# save someone the trouble : 수고를 덜어주다
# This saves you the trouble of explaining how to get there
# refuse (to accept) passengers : 승차거부
# keep that in mind : 명심하다
# stretching is supposed to relax muscle
# insurance : 보험
- Did you get insurance for your car? : 너 자동차 보험 들었어?
- you better call the insurance agent : 보험처리하는게 좋겠다
- My new job offers a great health insurance policy : 새로운 직장에서 좋은 보험을 제공한다,
# As I mentioned earlier / before
# I was moved : 감동 받았다.
- The part where I was moved most
# department : 부서
# The head of the department : 부서장
# in a rotation
- The head of the department said that We have to stay in the office after work in a rotation
# forcibly <포얼시블리> : 강압적으로
# force [사람] to [무엇]
# you don't have to force yourself to do
- If you are not hungry, you don't have to force yourself to eat.
- If you don't want to do, don't force yourself to do.
# I'm trying to strength my back muscles.
# I'm trying to strength my mental.
# mentally, physically : 정신적으로, 육체적으로
# My muscles get stiff // 뭉치다 딱딱하다
# My muscles are getting flexible
# I'm getting muscles : 근육 생겼어 ㅋ
# I always try to get used to new tasks.
# I always try to become more familiar with the tasks.
# since you bring it up : 너가 말을 꺼냈으니깐
# ended up, eventually : 결국 ~ 하게 되었다.
- I really wanted to get new mac-book But I didn't have enough money. so I ended up buying Samsung laptop.
- I was planning of going on a trip. But I could not get any plane tickets. eventually I gave up.
# involved, contains [involved는 주로 상황에 많이 쓰고, contains는 Object와 많이 쓰인다.]
- They have a lot of stretching involved.
- The stretching is contained in the program.
# Listen while eating : 먹으면서 들어
# It is widespread practice : 흔한일, 관행
- People use a messaging app to call for a taxi. Because Korean is so tech-savvy, this is now a widespread practice.
- Nowdays, people learn whatever they want to through Youtube. It is a widespread practice.
- Using a smartphone is a widespread practice.
# it is just custom(ritual) : 관습이야
- It's been like that even before I came here. it's a custom. : 내가 오기 전부터 원래 이랬어
- We need to break the custom.
- We don't always follow(지키다, 따르다) a custom. But probably, there are reasonable reasons why we have the custom
- there are reasonable reasons for the custom.
# nearby driver is dispatched : 가까이에 있는 택시기사가 파견되다
- Can anyone who is nearby come over here? 가까이 있는사람이 와줄래요? (맞나 모르겠닷...)
# taxis are few and far between. : 택시는 드물다(물리적으로)
- Employers always say that there are a lot of programmers but good programmers are few and far between.
- In the past, Men who can cook were few and far between in Korea
- Electric(전기의) charging stations are few and far between in small cities
# tech-savvy : 기술이뛰어난, 능숙한 / savvy : 지식
- Even young children are tech-savvy.
- These books are very useful for tech-savvy users.
- Usually, tech-savvy programmers run a blog.
# The technology is so cutting-edge : cutting-edge : 최첨단의 기술
- A cutting edge technology leads people into a real world
- Korean IT technology is so cutting edge.
# perk : 장점
# Another perk is that the driver already knows your destination.
# save someone the trouble : 수고를 덜어주다
- I think this app can save us the trouble of finding what we want : 이 앱은 우리가 찾고 싶은걸 찾는 수고를 덜어준다.
- This app saves us the trouble of making a reservation. : 이 앱은 직접 예약 하는 수고를 덜어 준다.
- You have to make reservation directly to the manager. : 매니저한테 직접 예약을 해야한다.
- The easy payment system saves us the trouble of typing a password repeatedly : 간편결제는 반복해서 비밀번호를 입력하는는 수고를 덜어준다.
# 공급 수요 : demand of supply
# 지방 : fat
# 탄수화물 : carbohydrates<칼보하이드렉트스>
# 단백질 : protein
# analyse : 분석 <명사>, analyze <동사> 분석하다
# The app analyzes how much fat, carbohydrate and protein are contained in the food.
# It is not just for me : 나한테만 해당되는건 아니다.
# tangerin = mandarin = clementine : 귤
# speciality, local product : 특산물
- 굴비 is the speciality on 영광
- Speciality store : 전문점
- Speciality : 특기
# representative : 상징적인 대표하는
- Are you the representative? : 너가 대표야?
- Contact your support representative for help. : 도움을 받으려면 담당자에게 문의하세요.
# Who's in charge of this project? : 이프로젝트의 책임자는 누구입니까?
# represent : 대표하다
- This logo represents the brand!
# It's was rainy, it't was snowy
# it snowed a lot
# get on the bus = take the bus, get off the bus
# take off the lid : 뚜껑을 벗기다
- cover the lid : 뚜껑을 닫다
# keep an eye on : 주시하다, 신경쓰다
- My girlfriend was keeping an eye on the gas gage : 가스 게이지를 계속 주시 했었다
# evaluate : 사람, 가치, 품질에 대해 평가하다
# re-evaluate : 재평가하다
- I will evaluate your grade by group : 그룹별로 성적을 평가 하겠습니다.
- We evaluate each other about our result.
# influential : 영향력이 있는
# influence : 영향, 영향을 주다
# influenced : 영향을 주다
- I wanna be influential person wherever I go. : 영향력이 있다
- I was influenced by my coworkers. : 영향을 받다
# fluent : 유창한
- I'm not fluent in English : 영어가 유창하지 않아
# immature : 철이 없는
# mature : 성숙한
- I was immature : 철이 없었지
# childish : 어린애 같은
# in the flesh : 직접 보다
- My girlfriend always wants to meet 김수현 in the flesh.
# jam the signal : 신호를 방해다
# answer the phone : 전화 받다
# hang up : 전화를 끊다
# pick up : 잠시 들려서 물건을 살때
- I just picked up some fresh produce
# fresh produce : 신선한 농산물
# pick and choose : 까다롭게 고르다
- Mom always picks and choses the choicest vegetables.
- I always pick and choose them fit my needs. When I buy something new
# choicest : 높은 품질의
# butcher : 정육점 butcher `s counter : 정육점
# with a passion : 진심으로
- I hate to waste time with a passion.
# you need patience : 인내가 필요하다
# stash, stack : stash 창고 같은곳에 저장해놓는것, stack 쌓아 놓다.
- stash <동사, 명사>
- We stacked up the books on the table.
- I have stash of money : 챙겨둔 돈
- I will stash the money
# Just in case
- just in case my phone die out, I always bring a phone charger with me.
- I want to bring it with me. just in case
# plural : 복수
# dairy[데어리] section : 유제품 코너
# ferment : <펄멘트> 발효하다
- cheese is fermented from a milk
# buy-one-get-one-free : 1 + 1
# she felt that It was too good for her : 부담스럽게 느끼다
- Don't feel pressured.
- I don't want to make you feel pressured.
# let fresh air in/ air out : 환기시키다
# estimated result : 가상의 결과
# vicarious satisfaction : 대리 만족 <바이케리어스 세티스펙션>
# carnivore : 육식동물
- carnivore diet : 육식 다이어트
- herbivore : 초식동물
# imply : 의미하다. 암시하다
- as the name implies : 이름에서 알 수 있듯이
- use the labels to imply(mean) that action is required. : 필요하다는 뜻의 라벨을 사용합니다.
# vitamin deficiencies : 바이타민 결핍
# cure-all : 만병 통치약 cure-all madicine
# We can not experience everything first-hand : 모든걸 직접 경험할 수 없다.
- I heard the news at first hand.
# performance, accomplishment.
# I received the result on my performance of last year.
# I received the feedback on my accomplishment.
# accomplishment <어컴플리쉬먼트>: 업적
# compliment <컴플리먼트> : 칭찬, 찬사
- It's time to make a compliment.
알고는 있었지만 막상 직접 들으니 기분이 좋지는 않았습니다.
# expected : 예측하다, 기대,
Even though I expected what I would get for the result of performance. I didn't feel good when I actually got it.
So I drank some beer last night.
hurt my feelings.
# 전문용어: professional terms
# 응원할께요 : I wish you the best. I wish you good luck.
# 어떤팀 응원하세요? : Which team are you on?
# 직설적 : Straight-forward, directly
# 간접적으로 : indirectly
# solar calendar : 양력
# lunar calendar : 음력
# apparently : ~처럼 보이는. 그런것같해 ㅋㅋ
- He got a car accident apparently
# I will : 한번 하고 끝나는것.
# I am going to :
# I will be ~ing : 주기적으로 하는 행동중에 하는것
# I am supposed to ~ : ~하기로 되어있다.
# Why do we still have time left
# 반칙 : you are cheating.
# You knew this would happen. you told me to do so (so : 그렇게)
# 녹화하다 : shoot the video.
# time between
- What are you going to do time between two classes.
# 1 point 5 portion : 1.5인분
# 2 times longer than this : 2배길다.
# It takes 2 times longer
# remaining food / leftover (food) : 남아있는 음식
# Feb 16th sat it is my first video of the day // 오늘은 2월 16일 토요일 이고 첫번째 녹화야.
# it`s worth it 돈, 시간등에 대해 가치가 있다.
# I was treated <트리트> well at the hotel 호텔에서 대우 받다.
# fine dust : 미세먼지, micro fine dust
# yellow dust : 황사
# impulsively : 충동적으로
# impulsive : 충동적긴 // 임퍼시브 발음 주의할것.
# impulsiveness : 충동적
# Sometimes impulsive behaviors lead to an accident.
# When we went on our own way : 각자의 길을 갈때
# less vs fewer : less는 셀수 있는것에 쓰며, fewer은 둘다 쓴다.
# fewer and fewer people : 점점 조금씩 사람들이~
# I saw in the news : 이때 saw는 쏴 발음에 가깝고, 쏘우는 saw 톱이다 ㅎ
# blood donation : 헌혈
# That is why I've been donated blood on a regular basis for almost a year.
# The last time I donated was last week.
# I fill out a form with my personal information: 양식을 쓰다
# a nurse take blood sample for a simple test.
# she injects a needle(바늘) in my arm to draw blood : 바늘을 내팔에 넣은후 피을 뺏다.
# donor : 기부자 , blood donor`s certificate : 현열 증서
# I feel healthier : 더 건강해진 기분
# It also makes me feel good that my blood could save a life
# hand-held : portable보단 작은 휴대용
- A smartphone is like a hand-held
# it fits my needs : 나의 필요조건에 총족하다.
- I choose one that fits my needs
- Choose the schedule that best fits your needs : 너어게 가장 적합한 일정을 선택하다.
# switch to ~ : ~로 변경하다
- I'm going to switch to rival brand recently
# try something different : 다른 것을 시도하다.
~ I just wanted to try something different
# image quality : 화질
# high resolution : 높은 해상도
# customer service : 고객 서비스
# It`s easy to get it fixed : 수리 받다
# I get it replaced : 교환 받다
# I get something refund : 환불 받다
# swell-up : 붓다
- my eyes get swollen <스월럿> : 부엇다
# headquarter : 본사
# branch : 지사
# I itchy you : 간지럽히다
# It`s itchy
- scratch an itchy spot : 가려운곳을 긁다.
- I was bitten by a mosquito so now I'm itchy.
- My nose is itchy and runny.
- I am ticklish. : 간지로움을 잘타다
- are you ticklish? : 간지로움을 잘타니?
- I am not ticklish : 간지로움을 잘타지 않아.
# runny <러니> : 콧물이 흐르는
# sneeze : 재체기, 재체기하다
# poke : 찌르다
- my hair poke my eyes
# what a relief<안도> : 다행이다
# It makes me look stupid :
# time consuming : 시간 소모가 크다
# I get my phone fixed : 핸드폰을 수리 받다.
# I get my phone replaced : 핸드폰을 교환 받다.
# I get my hair dyed
# I got my hair done today :
# I try to keep up with the schedule : 일정을 따를려고 노력한다.
- keep up with your work : 계속 열심히 너희 일을 해
- If you are going to keep up with your competition, we will need to know more about them
# I slep in : 늦잠 잤다.
- You don't know I sleep in on weekend?
# My daily rutin has been changed : 류틴이 바뀌었다.
# Two of you / Two of us : 너희 둘, 우리 둘
# habitually : 습관적으로
# beneficial : 이로운, 좋은
- Chocolate can be beneficial as a skin treatment : 초콜릿은 피부 관리에 도움이 된다.
- I don't think the meeting would be beneficial : 회의가 도움이 될꺼라고 생각 하지 않습니다.
- My work experience would be very beneficial to your company : 나의 근무 경험은 너의 회사에 큰 도움이 될꺼라.
# get rid of ~ : ~을 없애다
# not only A but also B : A뿐만아니라 B
# We need air-conditional not only for the temperature, but also get rid of the humidity.
# I'm good at not only speaking Korean but also English
# He is famous not only in Korean but also in the world.
# A as well as B : B뿐만아니라 A도
# I'm good at speaking Korean as well as English.
# He is famous in the world as well as Korea.
# as long as : ~ 하기만 한다면
# disposable : 한번 쓰고 버리는 의미의 일회용의
- Paper cups and napkins are disposable : 종이와 컵은 일회용이다,
- People tend to use a lot of disposable products : 1회용품을 많이 쓰는 경향이 있다.
# single-use : 일회용의
- discard<파괴하다> single use products after first use : 1회용 제품은 최초 사용후 폐기 하십시오
# eye patch : 안대
- I wear warm eye patch
- warm patch for my eyes
# it's such a waste : 아깝다.
# I don't want to waste time : 시간을 낭비 하고 싶지 않아.
# We are on the 10 of the waiting list : 우리줄은 10번째야
# We are the tenth on the waiting list : 우리줄으 10번째야
# It has been almost 35years since the restaurant was open.
- It has been almost 10 years since I wore sleeveless shirts
# It`s relevant<렐러번트-연관된 a> to the size. 이것은 크기와 연관되었다.
# it is not relevant to what you are saying. : 너가 말하고 있는거란 상관없어.
# It is related to [Something]
# in terms of grammar : ~면에서, ~관점에서
# in terms of grammar these two are the same : 문법적으로 같다
# When I'm in your shoes : 내가 너였으면, 내가 너의 상황이었으면
# If I were you
# in third person`s view : 제 3자 입장에서
# as a customer, 고객으로써
# from my perspective : 내관점에서~
# speak up a little bit? : 조금만 더 크게 말해주세요
# talk louder?
# security desk : 경비실
# security : 경비원
# apartment complex : 아파트 단지
# families with young children : 어린 자녀가 있는 가족
# many families with young children live there
# kid-friendly : 아동 친화적 = echo
# because it`s a kid-friendly.
- It't a kid-friendly place
# local part : 동네공원
# local restaurant : 동네 음식점
# local cafe : 동네 커피숍
# in all directions : 모든 방향에 있다
#I have neighbors in all directions.
# there are living next door to me : 그들은 내 옆집에 산다.
# people need to be considerate : 사람들은 배려해야된다.
# I just did it unconsciously : 무의식적으로 했다
# Have you ever taken any complaint from your neighbors?
# App crash happened again at 1AM
# My hands were sweating : 손에 땀이 났었다.
# My hands are sweating
# I don't mind, but She might mind : 나는 상관없지만 그녀는 상관있을수 있어.
# all the pieces fall<펄>/ fell<펠> into place : 조각이 맞춰지다
# it puzzled out
# Taxi drivers image is not good
# Taxi drivers perception is not good
# criminal record : 전과기록
# tricky : 상황이 답이 애매할때
# picky : 까다롭다
# tough : 어렵다
# tiny : 아주작은것
# thin : 얇다
# thick : 두껍다
# strong : 진한
# weak : 연한
# How do you like your coffee, strong or weak?
# I al ways try to drink coffee weak
# I'm rushing : 나 지금 바뻐
# when you are in a rush\, it can be tough to catch a taxi : 빠쁠때 택시 잡는건 어렵다.
# I will call for a taxi = I will catch a taxi
# It is widespread practice : 흔한일, 관행
# People use a messaging app to call for a taxi. Because Korean is so tech-savvy, this is now a widespread practice.
# it is just ritual : 관습이야
# nearby driver is dispatched : 가까이에 있는 택시기사가 파견되다
# taxis are few and far between. : 택시는 드물다(물리적으로)
# tech-savvy : 기술이뛰어난 / savvy : 지식
# The technology is so cutting-edge : cutting-edge : 최첨단의
# perk : 장점
# Another perk is that the driver already knows your destination.
# save someone the trouble : 수고를 덜어주다
# This saves you the trouble of explaining how to get there
# refuse (to accept) passengers : 승차거부
# keep that in mind : 명심하다
# stretching is supposed to relax muscle
# insurance : 보험
- Did you get insurance for your car? : 너 자동차 보험 들었어?
- you better call the insurance agent : 보험처리하는게 좋겠다
- My new job offers a great health insurance policy : 새로운 직장에서 좋은 보험을 제공한다,
# As I mentioned earlier / before
# I was moved : 감동 받았다.
- The part where I was moved most
# department : 부서
# The head of the department : 부서장
# in a rotation
- The head of the department said that We have to stay in the office after work in a rotation
# forcibly <포얼시블리> : 강압적으로
# force [사람] to [무엇]
# you don't have to force yourself to do
- If you are not hungry, you don't have to force yourself to eat.
- If you don't want to do, don't force yourself to do.
# I'm trying to strength my back muscles.
# I'm trying to strength my mental.
# mentally, physically : 정신적으로, 육체적으로
# My muscles get stiff // 뭉치다 딱딱하다
# My muscles are getting flexible
# I'm getting muscles : 근육 생겼어 ㅋ
# I always try to get used to new tasks.
# I always try to become more familiar with the tasks.
# since you bring it up : 너가 말을 꺼냈으니깐
# ended up, eventually : 결국 ~ 하게 되었다.
- I really wanted to get new mac-book But I didn't have enough money. so I ended up buying Samsung laptop.
- I was planning of going on a trip. But I could not get any plane tickets. eventually I gave up.
# involved, contains [involved는 주로 상황에 많이 쓰고, contains는 Object와 많이 쓰인다.]
- They have a lot of stretching involved.
- The stretching is contained in the program.
# Listen while eating : 먹으면서 들어
# It is widespread practice : 흔한일, 관행
- People use a messaging app to call for a taxi. Because Korean is so tech-savvy, this is now a widespread practice.
- Nowdays, people learn whatever they want to through Youtube. It is a widespread practice.
- Using a smartphone is a widespread practice.
# it is just custom(ritual) : 관습이야
- It's been like that even before I came here. it's a custom. : 내가 오기 전부터 원래 이랬어
- We need to break the custom.
- We don't always follow(지키다, 따르다) a custom. But probably, there are reasonable reasons why we have the custom
- there are reasonable reasons for the custom.
# nearby driver is dispatched : 가까이에 있는 택시기사가 파견되다
- Can anyone who is nearby come over here? 가까이 있는사람이 와줄래요? (맞나 모르겠닷...)
# taxis are few and far between. : 택시는 드물다(물리적으로)
- Employers always say that there are a lot of programmers but good programmers are few and far between.
- In the past, Men who can cook were few and far between in Korea
- Electric(전기의) charging stations are few and far between in small cities
# tech-savvy : 기술이뛰어난, 능숙한 / savvy : 지식
- Even young children are tech-savvy.
- These books are very useful for tech-savvy users.
- Usually, tech-savvy programmers run a blog.
# The technology is so cutting-edge : cutting-edge : 최첨단의 기술
- A cutting edge technology leads people into a real world
- Korean IT technology is so cutting edge.
# perk : 장점
# Another perk is that the driver already knows your destination.
# save someone the trouble : 수고를 덜어주다
- I think this app can save us the trouble of finding what we want : 이 앱은 우리가 찾고 싶은걸 찾는 수고를 덜어준다.
- This app saves us the trouble of making a reservation. : 이 앱은 직접 예약 하는 수고를 덜어 준다.
- You have to make reservation directly to the manager. : 매니저한테 직접 예약을 해야한다.
- The easy payment system saves us the trouble of typing a password repeatedly : 간편결제는 반복해서 비밀번호를 입력하는는 수고를 덜어준다.
# 공급 수요 : demand of supply
# 지방 : fat
# 탄수화물 : carbohydrates<칼보하이드렉트스>
# 단백질 : protein
# analyse : 분석 <명사>, analyze <동사> 분석하다
# The app analyzes how much fat, carbohydrate and protein are contained in the food.
# It is not just for me : 나한테만 해당되는건 아니다.
# tangerin = mandarin = clementine : 귤
# speciality, local product : 특산물
- 굴비 is the speciality on 영광
- Speciality store : 전문점
- Speciality : 특기
# representative : 상징적인 대표하는
- Are you the representative? : 너가 대표야?
- Contact your support representative for help. : 도움을 받으려면 담당자에게 문의하세요.
# Who's in charge of this project? : 이프로젝트의 책임자는 누구입니까?
# represent : 대표하다
- This logo represents the brand!
# It's was rainy, it't was snowy
# it snowed a lot
# get on the bus = take the bus, get off the bus
# take off the lid : 뚜껑을 벗기다
# keep an eye on : 주시하다, 신경쓰다
- My girlfriend was keeping an eye on the gas gage : 가스 게이지를 계속 주시 했었다
# evaluate : 사람, 가치, 품질에 대해 평가하다
# re-evaluate : 재평가하다
- I will evaluate your grade by group : 그룹별로 성적을 평가 하겠습니다.
- We evaluate each other about our result.
# influential : 영향력이 있는
# influence : 영향
# influenced : 영향을 주다
- I wanna be influential person wherever I go. : 영향력이 있다
- I was influenced by my coworkers. : 영향을 받다
# fluent : 유창한
- I'm not fluent in English : 영어가 유창하지 않아
# immature : 철이 없는
# mature : 성숙한
- I was immature : 철이 없었지
# childish : 어린애 같은
# in the flesh : 직접 보다
- My girlfriend always wants to meet 김수현 in the flesh.
# jam the signal : 신호를 방해다
# answer the phone : 전화 받다
# hang up : 전화를 끊다
# pick up : 잠시 들려서 물건을 살때
- I just picked up some fresh produce
# fresh produce : 신선한 농산물
# pick and choose : 까다롭게 고르다
- Mom always picks and choses the choicest vegetables.
- I always pick and choose them fit my needs. When I buy something new
# choicest : 높은 품질의
# butcher : 정육점 butcher `s counter : 정육점
# with a passion : 진심으로
- I hate to waste time with a passion.
# stash, stack : stash 창고 같은곳에 저장해놓는것, stack 쌓아 놓다.
- stash <동사, 명사>
- We stacked up the books on the table.
- I have stash of money : 챙겨둔 돈
- I will stash the money
# Just in case
- just in case my phone die out, I always bring a phone charger with me.
- I want to bring it with me. just in case
# plural : 복수
# dairy[데어리] section : 유제품 코너
# ferment : <펄멘트> 발효하다
- cheese is fermented from a milk
# buy-one-get-one-free : 1 + 1
# she felt that It was too good for her : 부담스럽게 느끼다
- Don't feel pressured.
# let fresh air in/ air out : 환기시키다
# estimated result : 가상의 결과
# vicarious satisfaction : 대리 만족 <바이케리어스 세티스펙션>
# carnivore : 육식동물
- carnivore diet : 육식 다이어트
- herbivore : 초식동물
# imply : 의미하다. 암시하다
- as the name implies : 이름에서 알 수 있듯이
- use the labels to imply(mean) that action is required. : 필요하다는 뜻의 라벨을 사용합니다.
# vitamin deficiencies : 바이타민 결핍
# cure-all : 만병 통치약 cure-all madicine
# We can not experience everything first-hand : 모든걸 직접 경험할 수 없다.
- I heard the news at first hand.
# performance, accomplishment.
# I received the result on my performance of last year.
# I received the feedback on my accomplishment.
# accomplishment <어컴플리쉬먼트>: 업적
# compliment <컴플리먼트> : 칭찬, 찬사
- It's time to make a compliment.
알고는 있었지만 막상 직접 들으니 기분이 좋지는 않았습니다.
# expected : 예측하다, 기대,
Even though I expected what I would get for the result of performance. I didn't feel good when I actually got it.
So I drank some beer last night.
hurt my feelings.
# 전문용어: professional terms
# 응원할께요 : I wish you the best. I wish you good luck.
# 어떤팀 응원하세요? : Which team are you on?
# 직설적 : Straight-forward, directly
# 간접적으로 : indirectly
# solar calendar : 양력
# lunar calendar : 음력
# apparently : ~처럼 보이는. 그런것같해 ㅋㅋ
- He got a car accident apparently
# I will : 한번 하고 끝나는것.
# I am going to :
# I will be ~ing : 주기적으로 하는 행동중에 하는것
# I am supposed to ~ : ~하기로 되어있다.
# Why do we still have time left
# 반칙 : you are cheating.
# You knew this would happen. you told me to do so (so : 그렇게)
# 녹화하다 : shoot the video.
# time between
- What are you going to do time between two classes.
# 1 point 5 portion : 1.5인분
# 2 times longer than this : 2배길다.
# It takes 2 times longer
# remaining food / leftover (food) : 남아있는 음식
# Feb 16th sat it is my first video of the day // 오늘은 2월 16일 토요일 이고 첫번째 녹화야.
# it`s worth it 돈, 시간등에 대해 가치가 있다.
# I was treated <트리트> well at the hotel 호텔에서 대우 받다.
# fine dust : 미세먼지, micro fine dust
# yellow dust : 황사
# impulsively : 충동적으로
# impulsive : 충동적긴 // 임퍼시브 발음 주의할것.
# impulsiveness : 충동적
# Sometimes impulsive behaviors lead to an accident.
# When we went on our own way : 각자의 길을 갈때
# less vs fewer : less는 셀수 있는것에 쓰며, fewer은 둘다 쓴다.
# fewer and fewer people : 점점 조금씩 사람들이~
# I saw in the news : 이때 saw는 쏴 발음에 가깝고, 쏘우는 saw 톱이다 ㅎ
# blood donation : 헌혈
# That is why I've been donated blood on a regular basis for almost a year.
# The last time I donated was last week.
# I fill out a form with my personal information: 양식을 쓰다
# a nurse take blood sample for a simple test.
# she injects a needle(바늘) in my arm to draw blood : 바늘을 내팔에 넣은후 피을 뺏다.
# donor : 기부자 , blood donor`s certificate : 현열 증서
# I feel healthier : 더 건강해진 기분
# It also makes me feel good that my blood could save a life
# hand-held : portable보단 작은 휴대용
- A smartphone is like a hand-held
# it fits my needs : 나의 필요조건에 총족하다.
- I choose one that fits my needs
- Choose the schedule that best fits your needs : 너어게 가장 적합한 일정을 선택하다.
# switch to ~ : ~로 변경하다
- I'm going to switch to rival brand recently
# try something different : 다른 것을 시도하다.
~ I just wanted to try something different
# image quality : 화질
# high resolution : 높은 해상도
# customer service : 고객 서비스
# It`s easy to get it fixed : 수리 받다
# I get it replaced : 교환 받다
# I get something refund : 환불 받다
# swell-up : 붓다
- my eyes get swollen <스월럿> : 부엇다
# headquarter : 본사
# branch : 지사
# I itchy you : 간지럽히다
# It`s itchy
- scratch an itchy spot : 가려운곳을 긁다.
- I was bitten by a mosquito so now I'm itchy.
- My nose is itchy and runny.
- I am ticklish. : 간지로움을 잘타다
- are you ticklish? : 간지로움을 잘타니?
- I am not ticklish : 간지로움을 잘타지 않아.
# runny <러니> : 콧물이 흐르는
# sneeze : 재체기, 재체기하다
# poke : 찌르다
- my hair poke my eyes
# what a relief<안도> : 다행이다
# It makes me look stupid :
# time consuming : 시간 소모가 크다
# I get my phone fixed : 핸드폰을 수리 받다.
# I get my phone replaced : 핸드폰을 교환 받다.
# I get my hair dyed
# I got my hair done today :
# I try to keep up with the schedule : 일정을 따를려고 노력한다.
- keep up with your work : 계속 열심히 너희 일을 해
- If you are going to keep up with your competition, we will need to know more about them
# I slep in : 늦잠 잤다.
- You don't know I sleep in on weekend?
# My daily rutin has been changed : 류틴이 바뀌었다.
# Two of you / Two of us : 너희 둘, 우리 둘
# habitually : 습관적으로
# beneficial : 이로운, 좋은
- Chocolate can be beneficial as a skin treatment : 초콜릿은 피부 관리에 도움이 된다.
- I don't think the meeting would be beneficial : 회의가 도움이 될꺼라고 생각 하지 않습니다.
- My work experience would be very beneficial to your company : 나의 근무 경험은 너의 회사에 큰 도움이 될꺼라.
# get rid of ~ : ~을 없애다
# not only A but also B : A뿐만아니라 B
# We need air-conditional not only for the temperature, but also get rid of the humidity.
# I'm good at not only speaking Korean but also English
# He is famous not only in Korean but also in the world.
# A as well as B : B뿐만아니라 A도
# I'm good at speaking Korean as well as English.
# He is famous in the world as well as Korea.
# as long as : ~ 하기만 한다면
# disposable : 한번 쓰고 버리는 의미의 일회용의
- Paper cups and napkins are disposable : 종이와 컵은 일회용이다,
- People tend to use a lot of disposable products : 1회용품을 많이 쓰는 경향이 있다.
# single-use : 일회용의
- discard<파괴하다> single use products after first use : 1회용 제품은 최초 사용후 폐기 하십시오
# eye patch : 안대
- I wear warm eye patch
- warm patch for my eyes
# it's such a waste : 아깝다.
# I don't want to waste time : 시간을 낭비 하고 싶지 않아.
# We are on the 10 of the waiting list : 우리줄은 10번째야
# We are the tenth on the waiting list : 우리줄으 10번째야
# It has been almost 35years since the restaurant was open.
- It has been almost 10 years since I wore sleeveless shirts
# It`s relevant<렐러번트-연관된 a> to the size. 이것은 크기와 연관되었다.
# it is not relevant to what you are saying. : 너가 말하고 있는거란 상관없어.
# It is related to [Something]
# in terms of grammar : ~면에서, ~관점에서
# in terms of grammar these two are the same : 문법적으로 같다
# When I'm in your shoes : 내가 너였으면, 내가 너의 상황이었으면
# If I were you
# in third person`s view : 제 3자 입장에서
# as a customer, 고객으로써
# from my perspective : 내관점에서~
# speak up a little bit? : 조금만 더 크게 말해주세요
# talk louder?
# security desk : 경비실
# security : 경비원
# apartment complex : 아파트 단지
# families with young children : 어린 자녀가 있는 가족
# many families with young children live there
# kid-friendly : 아동 친화적 = echo
# because it`s a kid-friendly.
- It't a kid-friendly place
# local part : 동네공원
# local restaurant : 동네 음식점
# local cafe : 동네 커피숍
# in all directions : 모든 방향에 있다
#I have neighbors in all directions.
# there are living next door to me : 그들은 내 옆집에 산다.
# people need to be considerate : 사람들은 배려해야된다.
# I just did it unconsciously : 무의식적으로 했다
# Have you ever taken any complaint from your neighbors?
# App crash happened again at 1AM
# My hands were sweating : 손에 땀이 났었다.
# My hands are sweating
# I don't mind, but She might mind : 나는 상관없지만 그녀는 상관있을수 있어.
# all the pieces fall<펄>/ fell<펠> into place : 조각이 맞춰지다
# it puzzled out
# Taxi drivers image is not good
# Taxi drivers perception is not good
# criminal record : 전과기록
# tricky : 상황이 답이 애매할때
# picky : 까다롭다
# tough : 어렵다
# tiny : 아주작은것
# thin : 얇다
# thick : 두껍다
# strong : 진한
# weak : 연한
# How do you like your coffee, strong or weak?
# I al ways try to drink coffee weak
# I'm rushing : 나 지금 바뻐
# when you are in a rush\, it can be tough to catch a taxi : 빠쁠때 택시 잡는건 어렵다.
# I will call for a taxi = I will catch a taxi
# It is widespread practice : 흔한일, 관행
# People use a messaging app to call for a taxi. Because Korean is so tech-savvy, this is now a widespread practice.
# it is just ritual : 관습이야
# nearby driver is dispatched : 가까이에 있는 택시기사가 파견되다
# taxis are few and far between. : 택시는 드물다(물리적으로)
# tech-savvy : 기술이뛰어난 / savvy : 지식
# The technology is so cutting-edge : cutting-edge : 최첨단의
# perk : 장점
# Another perk is that the driver already knows your destination.
# save someone the trouble : 수고를 덜어주다
# This saves you the trouble of explaining how to get there
# refuse (to accept) passengers : 승차거부
# keep that in mind : 명심하다
# stretching is supposed to relax muscle
# insurance : 보험
- Did you get insurance for your car? : 너 자동차 보험 들었어?
- you better call the insurance agent : 보험처리하는게 좋겠다
- My new job offers a great health insurance policy : 새로운 직장에서 좋은 보험을 제공한다,
# As I mentioned earlier / before
# I was moved : 감동 받았다.
- The part where I was moved most
# department : 부서
# The head of the department : 부서장
# in a rotation
- The head of the department said that We have to stay in the office after work in a rotation
# forcibly <포얼시블리> : 강압적으로
# force [사람] to [무엇]
# you don't have to force yourself to do
- If you are not hungry, you don't have to force yourself to eat.
- If you don't want to do, don't force yourself to do.
# I'm trying to strength my back muscles.
# I'm trying to strength my mental.
# mentally, physically : 정신적으로, 육체적으로
# My muscles get stiff // 뭉치다 딱딱하다
# My muscles are getting flexible
# I'm getting muscles : 근육 생겼어 ㅋ
# I always try to get used to new tasks.
# I always try to become more familiar with the tasks.
# since you bring it up : 너가 말을 꺼냈으니깐
# ended up, eventually : 결국 ~ 하게 되었다.
- I really wanted to get new mac-book But I didn't have enough money. so I ended up buying Samsung laptop.
- I was planning of going on a trip. But I could not get any plane tickets. eventually I gave up.
# involved, contains [involved는 주로 상황에 많이 쓰고, contains는 Object와 많이 쓰인다.]
- They have a lot of stretching involved.
- The stretching is contained in the program.
# Listen while eating : 먹으면서 들어
# It is widespread practice : 흔한일, 관행
- People use a messaging app to call for a taxi. Because Korean is so tech-savvy, this is now a widespread practice.
- Nowdays, people learn whatever they want to through Youtube. It is a widespread practice.
- Using a smartphone is a widespread practice.
# it is just custom(ritual) : 관습이야
- It's been like that even before I came here. it's a custom. : 내가 오기 전부터 원래 이랬어
- We need to break the custom.
- We don't always follow(지키다, 따르다) a custom. But probably, there are reasonable reasons why we have the custom
- there are reasonable reasons for the custom.
# nearby driver is dispatched : 가까이에 있는 택시기사가 파견되다
- Can anyone who is nearby come over here? 가까이 있는사람이 와줄래요? (맞나 모르겠닷...)
# taxis are few and far between. : 택시는 드물다(물리적으로)
- Employers always say that there are a lot of programmers but good programmers are few and far between.
- In the past, Men who can cook were few and far between in Korea
- Electric(전기의) charging stations are few and far between in small cities
# tech-savvy : 기술이뛰어난, 능숙한 / savvy : 지식
- Even young children are tech-savvy.
- These books are very useful for tech-savvy users.
- Usually, tech-savvy programmers run a blog.
# The technology is so cutting-edge : cutting-edge : 최첨단의 기술
- A cutting edge technology leads people into a real world
- Korean IT technology is so cutting edge.
# perk : 장점
# Another perk is that the driver already knows your destination.
# save someone the trouble : 수고를 덜어주다
- I think this app can save us the trouble of finding what we want : 이 앱은 우리가 찾고 싶은걸 찾는 수고를 덜어준다.
- This app saves us the trouble of making a reservation. : 이 앱은 직접 예약 하는 수고를 덜어 준다.
- You have to make reservation directly to the manager. : 매니저한테 직접 예약을 해야한다.
- The easy payment system saves us the trouble of typing a password repeatedly : 간편결제는 반복해서 비밀번호를 입력하는는 수고를 덜어준다.
# 공급 수요 : demand of supply
# 지방 : fat
# 탄수화물 : carbohydrates<칼보하이드렉트스>
# 단백질 : protein
# analyse : 분석 <명사>, analyze <동사> 분석하다
# The app analyzes how much fat, carbohydrate and protein are contained in the food.
# It is not just for me : 나한테만 해당되는건 아니다.
# tangerin = mandarin = clementine : 귤
# speciality, local product : 특산물
- 굴비 is the speciality on 영광
- Speciality store : 전문점
- Speciality : 특기
# representative : 상징적인 대표하는
- Are you the representative? : 너가 대표야?
- Contact your support representative for help. : 도움을 받으려면 담당자에게 문의하세요.
# Who's in charge of this project? : 이프로젝트의 책임자는 누구입니까?
# represent : 대표하다
- This logo represents the brand!
# It's was rainy, it't was snowy
# it snowed a lot
# get on the bus = take the bus, get off the bus
# take off the lid : 뚜껑을 벗기다
# keep an eye on : 주시하다, 신경쓰다
- My girlfriend was keeping an eye on the gas gage : 가스 게이지를 계속 주시 했었다
# evaluate : 사람, 가치, 품질에 대해 평가하다
# re-evaluate : 재평가하다
- I will evaluate your grade by group : 그룹별로 성적을 평가 하겠습니다.
- We evaluate each other about our result.
# influential : 영향력이 있는
# influence : 영향
# influenced : 영향을 주다
- I wanna be influential person wherever I go. : 영향력이 있다
- I was influenced by my coworkers. : 영향을 받다
# fluent : 유창한
- I'm not fluent in English : 영어가 유창하지 않아
# immature : 철이 없는
# mature : 성숙한
- I was immature : 철이 없었지
# childish : 어린애 같은
# in the flesh : 직접 보다
- My girlfriend always wants to meet 김수현 in the flesh.
# jam the signal : 신호를 방해다
# answer the phone : 전화 받다
# hang up : 전화를 끊다
# pick up : 잠시 들려서 물건을 살때
- I just picked up some fresh produce
# fresh produce : 신선한 농산물
# pick and choose : 까다롭게 고르다
- Mom always picks and choses the choicest vegetables.
- I always pick and choose them fit my needs. When I buy something new
# choicest : 높은 품질의
# butcher : 정육점 butcher `s counter : 정육점
# with a passion : 진심으로
- I hate to waste time with a passion.
# stash, stack : stash 창고 같은곳에 저장해놓는것, stack 쌓아 놓다.
- stash <동사, 명사>
- We stacked up the books on the table.
- I have stash of money : 챙겨둔 돈
- I will stash the money
# Just in case
- just in case my phone die out, I always bring a phone charger with me.
- I want to bring it with me. just in case
# plural : 복수
# dairy[데어리] section : 유제품 코너
# ferment : <펄멘트> 발효하다
- cheese is fermented from a milk
# buy-one-get-one-free : 1 + 1
# she felt that It was too good for her : 부담스럽게 느끼다
- Don't feel pressured.
# let fresh air in/ air out : 환기시키다
# estimated result : 가상의 결과
# vicarious satisfaction : 대리 만족 <바이케리어스 세티스펙션>
# carnivore : 육식동물
- carnivore diet : 육식 다이어트
- herbivore : 초식동물
# imply : 의미하다. 암시하다
- as the name implies : 이름에서 알 수 있듯이
- use the labels to imply(mean) that action is required. : 필요하다는 뜻의 라벨을 사용합니다.
# vitamin deficiencies : 바이타민 결핍
# cure-all : 만병 통치약 cure-all madicine
# We can not experience everything first-hand : 모든걸 직접 경험할 수 없다.
- I heard the news at first hand.
# performance, accomplishment.
# I received the result on my performance of last year.
# I received the feedback on my accomplishment.
# accomplishment <어컴플리쉬먼트>: 업적
# compliment <컴플리먼트> : 칭찬, 찬사
- It's time to make a compliment.
알고는 있었지만 막상 직접 들으니 기분이 좋지는 않았습니다.
# expected : 예측하다, 기대,
Even though I expected what I would get for the result of performance. I didn't feel good when I actually got it.
So I drank some beer last night.
hurt my feelings.
# 전문용어: professional terms
# 응원할께요 : I wish you the best. I wish you good luck.
# 어떤팀 응원하세요? : Which team are you on?
# 직설적 : Straight-forward, directly
# 간접적으로 : indirectly
# solar calendar : 양력
# lunar calendar : 음력
# apparently : ~처럼 보이는. 그런것같해 ㅋㅋ
- He got a car accident apparently
# I will : 한번 하고 끝나는것.
# I am going to :
# I will be ~ing : 주기적으로 하는 행동중에 하는것
# I am supposed to ~ : ~하기로 되어있다.
# Why do we still have time left
# 반칙 : you are cheating.
# You knew this would happen. you told me to do so (so : 그렇게)
# 녹화하다 : shoot the video.
# time between
- What are you going to do time between two classes.
# 1 point 5 portion : 1.5인분
# 2 times longer than this : 2배길다.
# It takes 2 times longer
# remaining food / leftover (food) : 남아있는 음식
# Feb 16th sat it is my first video of the day // 오늘은 2월 16일 토요일 이고 첫번째 녹화야.
# it`s worth it 돈, 시간등에 대해 가치가 있다.
# I was treated <트리트> well at the hotel 호텔에서 대우 받다.
# fine dust : 미세먼지, micro fine dust
# yellow dust : 황사
# impulsively : 충동적으로
# impulsive : 충동적긴 // 임퍼시브 발음 주의할것.
# impulsiveness : 충동적
# Sometimes impulsive behaviors lead to an accident.
# When we went on our own way : 각자의 길을 갈때
# less vs fewer : less는 셀수 있는것에 쓰며, fewer은 둘다 쓴다.
# fewer and fewer people : 점점 조금씩 사람들이~
# I saw in the news : 이때 saw는 쏴 발음에 가깝고, 쏘우는 saw 톱이다 ㅎ
# blood donation : 헌혈
# That is why I've been donated blood on a regular basis for almost a year.
# The last time I donated was last week.
# I fill out a form with my personal information: 양식을 쓰다
# a nurse take blood sample for a simple test.
# she injects a needle(바늘) in my arm to draw blood : 바늘을 내팔에 넣은후 피을 뺏다.
# donor : 기부자 , blood donor`s certificate : 현열 증서
# I feel healthier : 더 건강해진 기분
# It also makes me feel good that my blood could save a life
# Feel tensed : 긴장하다
- I might feel tensed.
# wrap 감싸다, bracelets <브리실릿트> : 팔찌 # wrap 감싸다
# bracelets <브리실릿트> : 팔찌
# strap: 가죽, 천등의 끈
- watch strap
# set a new record : 신기록을 갱신하다.
# rewqrd : 상
# concern : 고민
- Do you have any concern?
# acceptance<엡센텐스> : 합격
- letter of acceptance : 합격증서, 승인서
# magnet : 자석
# laugn <레프> laughed <레프트> laughing <레핑> : 웃다, 웃었다. 웃고있다
# superstition : 미신
- She is superstitious <수펄스티셔스>: 미신을 미다.
- Do you believe in superstitious things?
# intonation : 억양
# weather forecast : 기상예보
# when I was about to leave home : 집에서 나올려고 했을때
- when I was just about to leave home
# pay attention : 신경쓰다
- I'm paying enough attention to my own parent compared to my parent-i
# The closer people are to someone, the more people tend to forget how important they are.
# When people are too close to someone, it's more likely to forget how important they are.
- likely to : ~가능성이 있다.
# flavor<플레벌> : 맛
# flour <플라월> : 밀가루
# vinegar <비니걸> : 식초
# one each, two each, two apples each bag : 하나씩, 두개씩
# accurate <에큐레이트> : 정확한 correct는 맞다 틀리다에 초점이 맞춰진다.
- accuracy : 정확도
- accurate to within 3mm : 3mm이내 정확도
# you are exposed to English more than me : 노출되다.'English > Expression' 카테고리의 다른 글
사역동사 (2) 2019.09.18 Daily English2 (0) 2019.04.06 Expression (1) 2019.04.02