ExpressionEnglish/Expression 2019. 4. 2. 09:33728x90
The more A, the more B : A를 하면할 수록 B한다.
- The more you eat, the more you can it
- The more you do your homework, the more I will give you feedback.
As ~ : ~할꺼라고 가정을 한 상태
- As you eat less now, you will eat less tomorrw
If ~ : 할지 안할지알 수 없음. (동사 뒤 less, more나오고 / 명사 앞에 less, more 이 나온다. more watter)
- If you drink more coffe you will feel less tired.
as A as B : B 만큼 A 한다
- I will give you feedback as much as you do your homework
타다, 거리
대중교통 : get on / get off
택시, 자가용 : get in / get out of
# 버스, 지하철, 기차, 비행기, 대중교통
# get on
- get on the train at the 판교 station
# get off
get off the bus at the 수지구청 station
# 택시, 자가용
# get in
- get in the taxi on 강남 and get out of 판교
# get out of
- get out of 판교
# It is 30 minute bus ride
# It is 30 minutes subway ride
# it is 10 minutes walk from ~
# it is 10 minutes on foot
# it is 10 minutes by car
# It is six stops away on the subway : 지하철로 6정거장
# It is six stops away on the bus
# It's walking distance : 걸어갈 거리그리드형(광고전용)'English > Expression' 카테고리의 다른 글
사역동사 (2) 2019.09.18 Daily English2 (0) 2019.04.06 Daily English (0) 2019.03.24