
  • Daily English2
    English/Expression 2019. 4. 6. 19:21

    # cherry blossoms started to bloom :  벚꽃이 피기 시작했다.


    # My mom makes my house messy


    # She puts anything anywhere

    - anywhere이 올 경우 앞에 전치사가 오지 않는다.

    - go to my house, go anywhere


    # suddenly it came up 


    # the birth year : 년도

    - the year of you birth : 년도


    # synopsis <시놉시스> : 줄거리, 개요


    # 그게 미드의 재미인 것 같아요.

    - That is the fun part of American drama.


    # disgusting : 징그러워, 역겨워 


    # certain : 특정한, 확실한 

    - I'm certain == i'm sure


    # accept<엑셉트> 허락하다, acceptance 허락

    - I have to get acceptance from parent-in-raw


    # I was absent<엡센트> 결석


    # next one, previous one : 다음꺼, 이전꺼


    # << : backward, wind forward

    # >> play

    # >> : forward, wind back

    # |<< : skip button to the start, >>| : skip button to the end


    # time work out : 시간이 맞다


    # look forward : 기대되다


    # expect : 어느정고 가능성에 대해 기대하다


    # predict : 예측

    - I can predict what's gonna happen in the next episode


    # predictable : 뻔하다

    - It is predictable. It is that kind of predictable story.


    # leather : 가죽

    'English > Expression' 카테고리의 다른 글

    사역동사  (2) 2019.09.18
    Expression  (1) 2019.04.02
    Daily English  (0) 2019.03.24


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